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What a Gem

03 | Oct | '15

Rode this with a buddy of mine who's been dragging me to ride on the peninsula for a while. Whoa, just learned what I've been missing out on! This trail is pure wilderness and yet you'll get close to a couple parking lots/trail heads about mid-way should anything happen. While there were a bunch of cars at each of the TH's (except for the Dungeness TH), we did not see anyone on the trail itself. Conditions were just perfect - great dirt, awesome fall weather, beautiful colors, and the river... oh, the river. Just keeps reminding me how blessed we are with all the awesome outdoors opportunities here in the PNW. Go get it while the weather holds up. (And yes, the washed out section mentioned in the previous RR is still there but with a little caution, easy to get through.)

Submitted by MtnPavlas on 10/06/2015