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Ride Reports

03 | 29 | '15
First off, I originally followed directions to the Google Maps pin on the Navigation page. This takes you to the 'Lower' section of Cowiche Canyon. Not a bad ride down the old rail trail, but there are many walkers in this area as it is flat and a be...
Submitted by Trails on 3/30/15
03 | 29 | '15
First ride of the year and first time on this trail.  Probably bit off more than I should have for a first ride but had a great time.  Only encountered one patch of snow that was no more than 3' across.  Quite a bit of mud on the last...
Submitted by mcoomer on 3/30/15
03 | 28 | '15
I took the road up to E Tiger Summit trail and then road that to the summit, then back down to OTG, Fully Rigid, Joyride and NWT. OTG had some areas that were really abused, they were soft/muddy from the rain overnight and it looks like lots of peop...
Submitted by hardtail on 3/29/15
03 | 22 | '15
The Butte is riding pretty well right now. The light rains have kept most of the trail surface in great shape.
Submitted by on 3/26/15
03 | 22 | '15
Some good loops are now ready to ride. The trails on the west (sunny) side of Echo are open inclduding the new Waterbar Heaven Trail and the extension of Switchback Alley. Other rideable trails: Shoe, sunny side of the Outback, Somwhere to Ride, Nowh...
Submitted by on 3/23/15
03 | 22 | '15
We took advantage of a small break in the weather and got in a nice dry ride. Parking area at the trailhead (3300ft) was snow free, and we didnt encounter snow until we hit around 3800ft. At the peak (4100) there was maybe 2" of wet snow, but nothing...
Submitted by Wormlord on 3/23/15
03 | 20 | '15
Just a short session today on VooDoo Child, HLC and Gravy Trail - all of which are in great shape!  HLC is flowing very nicely, though the run-in to Happy Ending has been baptized by brake bumps.  The rebuilt section of Gravy is so smooth a...
Submitted by r1de on 3/20/15
03 | 06 | '15
I live just thirty minutes away and had never ridden here. The trail surfaces were great and there is quite a network of them packed into this relatively small area. Looks like some areas are off limits to bikes and horses but there is still ple...
Submitted by billmcne on 3/20/15
Great Winter spin to the Tunnel and back from SVT in North Bend
Submitted by smith.paul on 3/14/15
While riding up Northway last July we decided to explore the beginning of Old Northway which we had read about here and from another report. We followed the beginning of the "trail" for a few minutes and found it to be the faintest goat path imaginab...
Submitted by dromond on 3/14/15
03 | 13 | '15
Rode most of the park today, and found the conditions to be stellar!  About 90% dry to tacky, and less than 10% soft but not runny spots.  Very good conditions, prime riding now.
Submitted by r1de on 3/14/15
03 | 08 | '15
A very busy day at Paradise but one of the great things about this place is you really don't run into too many people out on the trails once you get out on them. Nice, sunny, dry and warm. All trails in great condition. Rode Cascara to the mainline t...
Submitted by kareparh on 3/12/15
03 | 09 | '15
Escalator, Cyclops, YGD and Black Label, and No Road are 100% awesome. Sick and Twisted is at about 95% - a few soft spots (play-doh consistency) and 1 14" blowdown.  
Submitted by r1de on 3/10/15
03 | 05 | '15
Fairly dry conditions on the western side of the gulch, patches of mud but more like June than March.
Submitted by Bronco on 3/9/15
Rode this trail as part of a Ranger Creek / Palisades / Skookum loop - apparently unheard of in March! (Ride buddy MtnPavlas wrote a report covering the White River & Palisades sections https://www.evergreenmtb.org/trails/ride-reports/rr-77...
Submitted by rshelmerdine on 3/9/15
03 | 05 | '15
Other than a blowdown at the Preston end of Silent Swamp and some wetness on Joy Ridge everything is great.
Submitted by davsch on 3/5/15
03 | 02 | '15
Elevator is 100% clear and in prime shape. Escorlator is about 95% - there is one big tree still across the trail, and in the vicinity a lot of raking would be helpful. Funner is 100%. YGD has 1 small (8") flow-buster across the trail.  Other...
Submitted by r1de on 3/3/15
03 | 01 | '15
My basic advice for this ride is go with someone who knows the route.  There are a lot a places where you can make a wrong turn once you get to the Horse Pasture Hill and Redmond Watershed section  I will have to wait until a Thursday night...
Submitted by jamesowenby on 3/2/15
02 | 16 | '15
Really nice and dry from the recent sun. Made the roots easy and faster to get over and thanks to the work party for putting a bit of gravel on southern traverse. did a loop from mainline to loyd to souther traverse then main line then onto cascara a...
Submitted by el_gonzito on 2/25/15
02 | 22 | '15
Rode to the fire road and back.  Trails were 95% rideable.  Some old compact snow in spots < 6" deep.  Light dusting that should be melted by the end of the weekend.  Other than that great shape!
Submitted by briasave on 2/23/15